3 Course Computer literacy Series
Each year, Gateways student fellows begin the first two courses of our three-course series. The third and final class is facilitated by our student team. If students in these classes complete the three-course series, they can earn a week off of their sentences.
Computer Literacy:
Team Members: Derrick Valencia-Murillo and Mia Perez pictured above.
The computer literacy intro course focuses on familiarizing students with the basic features of a Macbook, Pages, Keynote, and Typist to enhance typing skill speed and accuracy. Some workshops include resume-building, interview practice, and how to write a cover letter.
Adobe Photoshop:
Team Members: Ivanna Mendez, Mariana Marino, and Katheline Vanegas pictured above.
The Adobe Photoshop ( Digital Media) course is the second class in the series, and focuses on facilitating workshops based on photo editing, photo manipulation, and digital design skills via the offline platform offered by Adobe Creative Cloud.